Graham Forster Presents: Train Shows Summer 2022. Part 2.

Graham Forster
2 min readJul 26, 2022


Train Show #2: Great Midwest Train Show.

This year’s Great Midwest Train Show is a monthly event that has been in process since 1972. Upcoming shows include: August 7, 2022, September 4, 2022 and October 2, 2022. All of these events take place at DuPage County Fairgrounds (located at 2015 Manchester Road, Wheaton, Illinois) between 9am and 3pm. They are known to be the “world’s largest monthly model train show featuring operating model train displays, LEGO layout, HO layout for the kids to operate.” Train loving experts such as Graham Forster has found them to be great opportunities to “buy, sell and trade.”

Great Midwest Train Show.

Another fun aspect of this show is that it is just one part of the DuPage County Fair, which is incredibly popular among Wheaton’s community as well as visitors. It’s a great way for the community to get together and get to know each other better and also a way for outsiders to check out the community. Truthfully, who doesn’t love a community fair? It helps one get back to basics and rediscover true community-shared values.

Also, for those not as interested in trains as Graham Forster there is the Field Trip on July 29 (for a mere $3 admission fee) and Carnival Special which provides unlimited rides for the younger members of one’s family. Community county fairs are such a great way for families to do something together as there really are opportunities for every age group. From fairground attractions, talent shows, food specials and of course the train show, this is a not-to-be-missed event for sure for locals.

Watch out for Part 3: Greenberg’s Train & Toy Show



Graham Forster
Graham Forster

Written by Graham Forster


Graham Forster- a “Railfan”- though it can be model or full size. Love all trains.

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